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Dental Implants

The problem of missing teeth can be faced by anyone. It can be due to an accident, severe gum disease, tooth decay or even due to poor oral hygiene. Missing teeth can lead to various consequences if left untreated. Dental implants are easily the most popular and also the ideal solution, for replacing your missing tooth/teeth.

Dental implants replace the tooth as a whole from the root to the cap without touching any adjacent teeth, it looks, feels and lasts like the real tooth it replaces.

The procedure is done under local anesthesia to make it comfortable for the patient. Dental Implants are substitutes for teeth and are today’s best alternative to your natural teeth. They offer you a permanent or secure solution for replacing one or more teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Fixed solution for missing teeth
  • Natural look of teeth
  • Long-lasting and reliable


It is done under local anesthesia so that the patient is comfortable.

Implants can be done in young patients above the age of 21 as well as senior citizens depending on their bone condition and medical condition.

You are not cutting and compromising adjacent teeth for implants as required for a bridge.

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