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TMJ Disorder / Treatment for Jaw Pain

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TMJ Disorder / Treatment for Jaw Pain

Treatment for Jaw pain and Nightguards

A night guard/ splint is a soft to hard silicon tray covering the teeth. If you experience ongoing jaw pain in the area near your ear, your jaw or the muscles on the side of your face, possibly accompanied by stiffness in neck and jaw movement, you may be suffering from TMJ disorder.

Jaw pain can have various causes, such as nerve problems, physical injuries, muscular problems, faulty fillings, or caps or clenching of teeth causing muscle imbalance. The best treatment for jaw pain can be determined, only post proper diagnosis. The treatment for jaw pain can be either wearing a nightguard for clenching or a splint which the dentist adjusts over a few sessions. It is recommended to wear a splint while resting or sleeping.

Benefits of a night guard / splint

  • Avoids wear and tear of teeth due to clenching
  • Avoids headaches & body aches
  • Improves overall health of patient


It’s a soft/ hard thin cover on the teeth which requires some adjustment. Hence, one has to wear it consistently to get habituated.

It completely depends on the severity of your problem which will be assessed by the dentist.

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