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Smile Design / Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Smile Design / Cosmetic Dental Treatment

 Cosmetic dental treatment

Have broken, missing, or stained teeth made you feel self-conscious and too embarrassed to smile and laugh openly? If your smile is flawed, we offer a cosmetic dental treatment for creating whiter, brighter and more beautiful smiles.

Our Smile design dental clinic can get you smiling again and enhance your original smile regardless of the original state of your existing teeth.

We have state-of-the-art cosmetic dental treatment at our smile design dental clinic to ensure that each smile makeover produces stunning, long-lasting results.

At our Smile Design dental clinic, our formula for creating an ideal smile is different for everyone depending on their individual situation and their desired outcome. For some, it could mean minor tooth reshaping and a whitening procedure while for others, it may require orthodontics, gum reshaping, dental crowns, veneers, or even a full mouth reconstruction.

Benefits of cosmetic dental treatment:

  • Correction of the alignment of the teeth
  • Enhancing smile
  • Reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease
  • Boost confidence


It can vary from one session to multiple sessions depending on the individual patient’s requirement.

We work with the existing teeth and restore them and work around them except sometimes when a tooth is severely misaligned in which case the dentist can advise accordingly.

No, Caps & veneers do not change their color over a period of time.

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